Legal Information Well, I have to save my ass. - Shrek

The Legal Stuff

Nobody hates discussing legal junk more than I do. However, in the interest of protecting what is mine, I must set forth a few details about my website and intellectual properties.


This Disclaimer outlines my legal status and provides important information you should consider before using any tactics or following any advice you read on my website.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets forth details regarding the information collected about you and your computer while you visit my website. It also outlines why the information is collected and what is done with it.

In summary, I collect less information about you than most websites. I find out what browser you use (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera, Firefox), what your IP address is, where that IP address is located, and what operating system your computer runs (Windows, OS X, Linux, BSD). All of this information is openly provided by your browser and ISP. This information is collected by Piwik so I know what kind of traffic my site gets, and what kind of people visit it.
